Thank you, Jansey summon{tag} me this Hogwart Invitation.
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Your in-depth results are:
Hufflepuff - 12
Ravenclaw - 11
Slytherin - 8
Gryffindor - 7
Please take the test and copy paste this *master list* after you are sorted and don�t forget to tag your friends! Let�s see which tower has the most members!
Gryffindor: Karen Adrian Eric Speedcat, Kiasumum
Ravenclaw: Mr. Fong Jojo kasper794, Wen, Dora, jansey
Hufflepuff: Trinity Amel Jo-N, Vickylow,Jesst16, lsmjennifer
Ravenclaw: Mr. Fong Jojo kasper794, Wen, Dora, jansey
Hufflepuff: Trinity Amel Jo-N, Vickylow,Jesst16, lsmjennifer
***end copy paste***
Jennifer like to tag my buddy Jennifer.
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